
Pupil Premium


Welcome to the St Mary’s Pupil Premium Page


Who is The Pupil Premium Lead in School?

Miss Hamblin is the Pupil Premium Lead.

‘I work closely with the Senior Leadership Team, the School Business Manager and the Governors to ensure that the Pupil Premium Grant is utilised in line with Government Policy so that all children can be the best they can be. We want to raise attainment and aspirations for disadvantaged pupils.' 


What is Pupil Premium?

Pupil Premium is additional funding for schools to support and improve attainment for disadvantaged pupils. All mainstream infant, primary, middle, junior, secondary and all-through schools serving children aged 5 to 16 and academies receive this funding for eligible pupils.


How much is the Pupil Premium Grant (PPG)?

There are different grants for different bands of eligibility.

- Free School Meals – for those children entitled to free school meals (not infant universal free school meals), the PPG is £1,480.

- Looked after and previously looked after children - £2,570.


How is the PPG spent?

It is up to school leaders to decide how to spend the PPG as we are best placed to assess pupil’s needs and plan provision to raise attainment. The Pupil Premium Strategy, which is located on this webpage, plans how the money is allocated with the aim of raising attainment and breaking down barriers to learning. The Strategy is evidence and research based, with a focus on Quality First Teaching, which all staff at St Mary’s are wholly committed to. We are also committed to providing high quality training and professional development for our staff.

Further reading on this research based approach can be found at the following link…



Academic Support and Wider Approaches

The PPG can be used to ‘buy extra help’. Wider approaches can also be used, such as help with the cost of educational trips/visits. Research suggests that the wider approach to use of the PPG can increase pupils’ confidence and resilience, encourage pupils to be more aspirational and benefit non-eligible pupils. At St Mary’s we are committed to providing high quality academic support and a range of wider approaches as our school vision aims to promote health, excellence, aspiration, resilience and togetherness.


Non-Eligible Pupils

Schools can spend the PPG on pupils who do not meet the eligibility criteria but need additional support. Examples of these may include pupils who are in contact with a social worker, used to be in contact with a social worker or are acting as a carer.



Schools must show how we use the PPG effectively. The Strategy on this webpage provides the plan the school follows in line with government requirements. This is reviewed annually and monitored throughout the year by the Pupil Premium Lead, Governors and Senior Leadership Team.


Is my child entitled to PPG?

Your child may be entitled to PPG if you are in receipt of the following benefits:

- Income support

- Job Seekers Allowance (Income Based only)

- Employment Support Allowance (Income Related only)

- Child Tax Credit (without any Working Tax Credit and have and annual household income (as assessed by HMRC) below £16,190)

- Pension Credit (Guaranteed Element only)

- 4 Week Run on Working Tax Credit (which is only paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for WTC)

- Asylum Seeker (Support under Part V1 of the Immigration & Asylum Act 1999)

- Universal Credit provided you have an annual net earned income (take home pay) of no more than £7,400 (as assessed by earnings from up to 3 of your most recent assessment periods).


If you are eligible, you can apply online at the following link:



By telephone on:

01225 394317


By e-mail:



Or via post by downloading the form on this website and sending it to:

Free School Meals,

People and Communities Finance,

Bath and North East Somerset Council,

Lewis House,

Manvers Street,




You can also collect a form from the school office - we are always happy to help.
Should you require assistance to complete the paperwork, there will always be someone on hand!
Children and families are at the heart of what we do at St Mary's and as a Christian school we share our vision of Friendship, Compassion, Perseverance, Respect, Generosity, Service and Truthfulness with you all.