
Term 2 - Class 5

Home - North America, South America and Australia - Geography and Biomes -  LibGuides at Trinity College
Amazing Americas

Our topic will be Amazing Americas

In Geography, we will explore the physical and human geography of North and South America, including different climates and biomes. We will also read the story Holes, using it as inspiration for writing letters and diary entries.


In English, we will study The Teacher Pleaser Machine and use it as a model to create our own explanation texts. Additionally, we will analyse narratives and explore what makes a story engaging, focusing on The Box to inspire our own action stories.


In Maths, we will delve into multiplication, division, and fractions. Students will learn and practise multiplication and division strategies, including the use of arrays and long division. We will also explore the relationships between fractions, including equivalent fractions, adding and subtracting fractions with like denominators, and understanding how to convert between improper fractions and mixed numbers.


In Science, our focus will be on the properties and changes of matter. We will investigate various materials and their properties, such as solids, liquids, and gases. The curriculum will cover reversible changes (like melting and freezing) and irreversible changes (like baking a cake or rusting).


In RE, we will address the enquiry question, “Was Jesus the Messiah?” This will encourage respect and inquisitiveness as students explore their beliefs. Our school value this term is compassion, and we will frequently discuss this in our worship sessions. I have been impressed with how well the class has demonstrated our school values.


In PSHE, we will celebrate differences and learn about the unique qualities that make us who we are.


In French, we will learn vocabulary related to the months of the year and the days of the week, working towards the key question, “What is the date?”


In DT, we will celebrate culture and seasonality by exploring and evaluating elements of Mexican cuisine. Students will plan and produce their own Mexican-inspired dishes.


In PE, we will focus on basketball, working to develop key skills required in order to play a whole class match.


In ICT, we will continue our coding work and then learn to use spreadsheets, including the basics of Excel.