What we are learning:
Our topic this term is ‘Off with their heads!’ As part of our topic we will be exploring Crime and Punishments through the ages.
In English, we will be reading Murder at Twilight by Fleur Hitchcock, to support our topic on Crime and Punishment. We will be using it to inspire us to write suspense stories and newspaper reports.
In History, we will be exploring crime and punishment from the Romans to the 21st century. The children should have an understanding of the chronology of these changes in Britain.
Our unit in Science is living things and their habitats, we will be learning about different types of reproduction in both plants and animals. We will be learning about asexual reproduction through taking cuttings of one plant and trying to grow a ‘clone’ plant to recreate what happens during this type of reproduction.
In Maths, we will be continuing to extend our learning on multiplication and division before moving onto our second unit on fractions, followed by decimals and percentages.
In RE, we will be learning about Salvation, reflecting on the question, what did Jesus do to save human beings? We will be able to explain how Incarnation and Salvation fit within the ‘big story’ of the Bible, make clear connections between the Christian belief in Jesus’ death as a sacrifice and how Christians celebrate Holy Communion/Lord’s Supper. We will also be able to weigh up the value and impact of ideas of sacrifice in our lives and in the world today.
In PSHE, we will be studying Healthy Me, in this puzzle piece the children will explore ways of being/keeping safe and healthy.
In PE, we will continue to have swimming every Wednesday afternoon.