
Summer Term 2 - Animals

Term 6- Animals
This term we are going to kick start our Animals topic with a visit from a local vet.
Welcome to the final term before the long summer holiday! This term we have kicked off our animals topic with a visit from very special furry friend! In week two, we will be meeting a real vet too. 
During the half term holiday our butterflies emerged from their cocoons- check out the videos below!
We will soon be moving on to learning all about animals as we have our trip to Longleat, and a whole load of fun and inspiring learning opportunities to participate in!
We are also lucky enough to have been asked to take part in the NHS backed Big Brush Club. 
This is a supervised toothbrushing scheme, designed to support your child’s oral health, and to reinforce great oral hygiene habits. Click on this link: Big Brush Club to find out more about what we will be doing in school.
Click on the link below to see real African animals live!
When we came back from our trip to Longleat, we received a very special email from one of the trip organisers. I thought it was worth sharing it here...

Dear Head Teacher, 

I was privileged in escorting the coach taking your children to Kids Out Longleat yesterday, 12 June 2024 on behalf of Somer Valley Rotary Club. 

Could you please forward my thanks to the teachers involved – they were extremely calm and caring and also ensured all were back on the coach in good time to return.

 Most importantly your children were polite, well behaved and a credit to your school. 

I hope they all enjoyed the experience. 

Best Wishes 


For Somer Valley Rotary Club

Wow! What brilliant feedback- Well done, Little Oaks!

As ever, Little Oaks will enjoy some carefully chosen quality books to really help to bring our learning to life!