



Here at St. Mary’s Primary school, it is our aim to instil a love of History in all our children.  

We aim to provide a high-quality History curriculum that fulfils the requirements of the National Curriculum; providing a broad, balanced and differentiated curriculum which encompasses the British Values throughout, ensuring the progressive development of historical concepts and knowledge and skills. It is important to us that we deliver a varied curriculum that inspires in pupils a curiosity and fascination about Britain’s past and that of the wider world, whilst meeting the needs of all backgrounds, cultures and abilities.  

From EYFS up to the end of KS2, the children will be taught about various historical events, where they take place within a historical timeline and famous historical figures, some of which have shaped the world today. We will, where possible, link History to other subject areas. We will monitor progress regularly through learning walks, lesson visits, book scrutiny and pupil voice. 


In ensuring high standards of teaching and learning in History, we implement a curriculum that is progressive throughout the whole school. History is taught as part of a half-termly topic and at St. Mary’s, we ensure that it is given the same importance as core subjects, as we strongly feel that it is essential in enabling all children to gain ‘real-life’ experiences.  

Through the use of knowledge organisers, children have access to key knowledge, vocabulary and meanings to understand their topic. History on displays throughout the school focus on key knowledge, vocabulary and questions and exemplify the terminology used throughout the teaching of History, and enable pupils to make links across the wider curriculum.  

Where appropriate, we use historical artefacts, visitors, workshops and visits to excite and intrigue our children to find out more about events and people from the past. For example, children at St. Mary’s have visited The Roman Baths, Radstock Museum and have held a ‘Stone Age’ event on our grounds. We aim to give our children as much understanding as possible about what it was like to be around at a particular period in History by having practical and experiential lessons where possible. We recognise that children learn in a variety of ways, and so where appropriate, children will learn History outside the classroom.  

Children have constant access to a wide variety of subject specific fiction and non-fiction books, available in History lessons, other lessons and in the class book area.  


The impact and measure of our History curriculum is to ensure that children at St. Mary’s are equipped with historical skills and knowledge that will enable them to be ready for the curriculum at Key Stage 3 and for life as an adult in the wider world.  

Through the high quality first teaching of History taking place, we will see the impact of the subject in different ways. We wish for the children to have thoroughly enjoyed learning about History, therefore encouraging them to undertake new life experiences now and in the future.  

Through pupil voice, children will be able to talk about the skills and knowledge they have acquired. Children will be engaged in History lessons and be curious to find out more. Children will complete research independently through projects and homework and to further their own enjoyment about the subject or topic. Work will show that a range of topics is being covered, cross curricular links are made where possible and differentiated work set as appropriate. Progress will be demonstrated through the use of POP (Proof of Progress) tasks at the end of each block of learning. Assessments and monitoring will show standards in History will be high and will match standards in other subject areas. 

‘Pupils need to know that events in the past are connected to related events at the time and have a legacy, often lasting until today. This means thinking about the history curriculum planning as less of a stage set on which certain things happened and more of a chapter in the story which involves us all, up until today.’

Mary Myatt  

Vision and Curriculum Drivers

Our history teaching supports our school HEART vision for the children at St Mary's and our Curriculum Drivers as follows: 

Health and Happiness – History teaching at St Mary's School has a wide application to everyday life, teaching the children to enjoy learning about the past and to have a better understanding of the society in which they live.  Through increasing knowledge of historical events and significant people in the past, increasing opportunities available to them and explicitly and implicitly teaching children about the potential the wider world can offer, the children are able to make informed choices about their own behaviour and choices. 

Excellence – We will provide opportunities for children to ask questions and challenge the evidence they are presented with about past people, places and events.  We will provide our children with a range of primary and secondary resources so that they can see how people have shaped and formed their ideas and knowledge of the past.

Aspiration– Children learn about significant people and events from the past historical events, therefore developing the cultural capital to be successful in life

Resilience - The children will, throughout their learning, study significant people and events in History, identifying where resilience and perseverance were demonstrated and necessary to achieve identified end goals. They will develop a rich understanding of how historical events have influenced the world today.

Together - Children will understand how collaboration has enabled the success of individuals and events in the past and explore how lessons can be learnt from this today. 

"We are not makers of history. We are made by history." Martin Luther King
Curriculum Drivers
Our curriculum for History details the subject-specific vocabulary that will enable children to understand and retain concepts and knowledge in the subject.  This vocabulary builds up as the children move through the school. We will support our children to gain and deploy a historically grounded understanding of abstract terms such as ‘civilisation’, ‘empire’, ‘parliament’ and ‘democracy’.
Through our History Curriculum we explicitly teach Oracy skills enabling children to experience a wide-range of contexts for speaking and allowing them to engage in high-quality classroom talk. 
The History Curriculum allows the children to foster an enjoyment in reading for different purposes. Through utilising a range of genres and text-types children are provided with frequent opportunities to read, motivated by the information and knowledge they are able to access through inspiring literature.