
Inspirational People

At St Mary’s C of E Primary School and Nursery we want all of our pupils to be the best they can be and grow up to lead remarkable lives for themselves and others. We recognise the importance of learning about lives which celebrate diversity in our world’s history – the achievements of people of different gender, race, ability, religion and culture. We have chosen a range of lives to explore and celebrate which represent Leaders, Innovators, Adventurers, Environmentalists, Careers and Cultural pioneers. Many of these will link with our History, Geography, Science, Art/DT and PSHRE curriculum as well as Fundamental British Values.

We spend 3 days across the year (one day in Autumn, Spring and Summer) studying and celebrating what made/makes these people inspirational and their impact on the world we live in today.

By learning from the achievements of others – how to break down barriers, shatter stereotypes, challenge the status quo and recognise that anyone and everyone has an important part to play in making our world a better place – we believe we equip our pupils with the aspiration to lead their very own remarkable lives, now and in the future.