
Term 1 - Class 2

Our topic this term is
Out and About
We will be learning about our locality beyond the school gate, building on our knowledge and understanding from Year 1. We will explore our local area using first-hand observation to enhance our locational awareness along with developing essential map and fieldwork skills. In particular, we will look at how the history of Radstock and Writhlington has shaped the way it looks today.

We are going to be continuing to develop our understanding of the number system in Maths and for much of this term we will be focussing on Number - Place Value. One of our initial objectives is counting in 10s and developing from 2 digit numbers to 3 digit numbers. We will work a lot on this in class but it would be great if you could practise this at home too.

In Science we will be learning about Living things and their habitats – The children will be learning about “MRS GREN” to help them learn the life process and identify if something is living, dead or never been alive. Then we will be exploring different habitats; looking at the local micro habitats and what we can find!

We will be trying to answer the question “Why is our world so wonderful?” in RE

Our Computing sessions this term will cover many aspects of ICT including ways to be safe on the internet before we start our unit on coding.

We will be considering Being Me in My World through PSHE (Personal, Social, Health Education) where we will consider ourselves as members of Class 2 and how to be a good learner.

In Music we will be learning a song called Hands, feet, heart which is a song that celebrates South African music We will learn to sing it, move to it, accompany it and maybe even compose our own verses…!

In DT the children will be making moving pictures and learning all about leavers, pulleys and rotating parts.