
Communication Protocol

The purpose of the document below is to set out expectations for how school and home can successfully communicate, to ensure the best partnership of support for each child’s learning. 

On-going research continues to demonstrate the vitally important role parents/carers play in the education of their child.

Why partnership and good communication is important to us all:

At St Mary’s C of E Primary School and Nursery , we believe:

  • that every child is entitled to the best learning opportunity and we are committed to working in partnership with parents/carers to deliver this.
  • that the child is the most important consideration of any conversation
  • that a three way process of communication between the child, home and school is essential for all children thrive and flourish
  • that all communication should be open, accessible, timely, respectful and appropriate
  • that communication is about more than information exchange: it is about the development of positive relationships
  • that communication involves active listening
  • when parents/carers understand what a school is aiming to achieve and work with the school to achieve this, they are able to help their own children more.