
Term 3 - Class 5

Year 5



Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a happy holidays and enjoyed the much needed break from the end of terms assessments. Everyone worked really hard last term, and should be proud of everything you achieved.  

Our topic this term is ‘Stargazers’. We will be exploring Earth and Space in Science and through many other topics this term.

This term we'll be diving into the captivating novel "Cosmic" by Frank Cottrell Boyce. This thrilling adventure will serve as the catalyst for inspiring our own science fiction writing. As we explore the imaginative world of "Cosmic," students will embark on creative writing endeavours, crafting their own stories inspired by the themes and elements introduced in the novel and a model text ‘Alien Landing’. Get ready for an enriching literary journey!


In Art, we will be looking at Peter Thorpe’s amazing art work that is inspired by Space, using it to explore our understanding of abstract art to create beautiful space themed paintings.


Our unit in Science is Earth and Space, we will be learning about the planets and how they rotate round the Sun. We will also be looking at how the axis of the Earth impacts seasons as well as learning about the lunar cycle.


In Maths, we will be continuing to extend our learning on fractions, multiplication and division.


In R.E., we will be learning to answer the question: How can Brahman be everywhere and in everything? This will involve understanding that Brahman is the ultimate reality in Sanatana Dharma, learning how it connects to everything in the world, and exploring examples of this belief in stories, symbols, and practices.

In PSHE, we will be studying Dreams and Goals, in this puzzle piece the children will explore possibilities for the future and how to work towards them.


In French, we will learn terminology about the weather; this will include how to ask and answer questions such as “What’s the weather like today?”


In PE, we will have swimming every Wednesday afternoon.


In ICT, we will be exploring data bases, how they are used and how to create a range of data bases.


In Music, we will learn to play a diverse selection of songs on the ukulele and perform these to an audience.