
World Science Day

World Science Day 2020
We started the day with an assembly hosted by our Science Lead - Miss Beere where she masterfully managed to get a hardboiled egg inside a glass bottle. Children predicted how she might do this and came up with some interesting and some scientific ideas. 
Little Oaks - the children joined in with a 'firework' investigation. Firstly, we all cut out stars and folded the points in. We then made predictions about what would happen when we placed them in the water tray. some suggestions were made about them floating, sinking and even flying! We then added biodegradable glitter to our water tray... and gently placed the folded stars in. The children watched with amazement as the stars slowly unfolded. We found out that the paper is absorbent and the soaking of the water causes the points to become 'heavy' which is why the unfold. we had such a lot of fun today. 
Year 1: class 1 investigated our senses and how food they are; we made 'blubber' to see if it kept our hands warm in icy water and also tested bubbles to see if they were always spherical. 
Year 2: Year 2's science investigation was 'how can we waterproof a paper wellington?' The children coloured their paper boot with felt tops. then covered it with squares of different materials - foil, plastic, paper and fabric, (the children thought of these). They then sprayed their boot with water, making sure there were 3 sprays on each material to conduct a fair test.
Year 3: the children looked at creating a structure which was strong enough to hold a book 10cm above the table. We looked at cylindrical structures being the strongest, and linked this shape to the shape and structure of our bones. 
Year 4: children investigated "what makes the brightest torch?" They explored how changing variables such as length of wire or number of batteries affects the brightness of the bulb. 
Year 5: In year 5 we researched Isaac Newton and his 3 laws of motion. they used their understanding of gravity and the laws of motion to investigate how to increase the air resistances acting upon a parachute as it's dropped form a height. Each group designed their own investigation choosing different dependent variables. The dependent variables that were investigated were: the shape of the parachute, the size of the parachute, the material the parachute if made from and the length of the strings from the parachute to the object attached. 
Year 6: We researched the scientist Rosalind Franklin. They found out lots of facts about her and her discovery of the structure of DNA. We also extracted DNA from a strawberry. the class were amazed that there was so much DNA in a small strawberry.