Wow, what a fantastic start to the year we have had in Class 3. The children have worked so hard and should be extremely proud of themselves and everything that they have achieved. Keep up the AMAZING work Class 3!
In English, we will be studying fiction and non-fiction pieces of writing, such as an explanation text where we will build towards writing about the volcano formation and a disaster story.
In Maths we will be following White Rose and will continue to develop our understanding in addition and subtraction. Later, developing our knowledge and understanding in multiplication and division.
In Science we will be focusing on animals, including humans. We will be learning all about nutrition, skeletons, and muscles and gaining more understanding of what humans and animals need to survive and be healthy.
In RE we will be learning about incarnation and the Holy Trinity.
In French we will be developing our understanding of the seasons. We will learn the four seasons and by the end of the term the children will have the skills and knowledge to say which is their favourite and why.
In Design Technology we will be designing functional and appealing Christmas decorations. We will be using our skills to carefully select resources to help us in completing these.
In PE we will be doing football. We will be spending time learning how to dribble, kick and score correctly. Pupils will work individually, with a partner and in small groups practicing their skills. Pupils will need to be team players and follow the rules of football.
Useful information:
P.E. this term will take place on Thursday AM. Please ensure children come into school wearing P.E. kit on this day. These sessions may take place outside so please ensure that children have something warm to wear.
The children have a termly overview of the homework they are required to complete stuck in their books. Please ensure they learn the correct spellings for the week and complete at least one homework task from the termly overview. Homework will continue to be collected in on a Friday.
Please ensure that children are bringing their reading record in with them every day and that they are reading five times a week. These are checked weekly.
As we are approaching the winter months, please ensure that your child brings a coat with them every day. This will allow us to enjoy time outside even when the weather is against us.