
Our Vision and Values

Our Mission Statement
Working together to promote health and happiness, raise aspirations, develop resilience and always striving for excellence: 'Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart.' (Colossians 3:23)

We believe that through striving to be the best you can be all members of the school community will be encouraged to reach their potential and achieve fulfilment both now and in the future, as lifelong learners. 

Our vision is for every child to:
     H - be happy and healthy
     E - strive for excellence in all that they do: Be the best you can be.
     A - aspire to reach personal goals and have the confidence to do so.
     R - be resilient and keep trying, even when things are hard.
     T - together - working as a group, class, school, community and in the wider world to make a positive                     contribution to society.
Our Vision 
'Be the best YOU can be'  
Through our Christian ethos we seek to develop a passion for life and learning; 'whatever you do, work at it with all your heart.' (Colossians 3:23). 
Our St Mary's Christian Values (chosen by the children): Friendship, Compassion, Perseverance, Respect, Generosity and Service and Truthfulness.

Our distinctive Christian nature and our Christian Values form the framework on which we build our school community. We want these key Values to help us actively live out our Vision. They colour and shape our aims, our character, our ethos and subsequently the experience of learning and school. 

Although we're always mindful of all of our values, each term we focus on one. Each term's value is especially evident in our Collective Worship, but will also be explored and celebrated in the wider curriculum the permeates the school. 

At St Mary's Primary School and Nursery, children and their learning are central to everything we do. As a Church School, we aim to serve our community by providing an education of the highest quality within a framework of Christian belief and values. We encourage an understanding of the meaning and significance of faith and promote Christian Values through the experiences we offer to all our children.

Members of our school community work together to provide a vibrant, safe and creative learning experience for our children. A safe and secure environment which encourages children to be happy, confident and enthusiastic learners and enables them to take risks in their learning, within a climate of high expectation and challenge. We aim to do this in order to prepare learners socially, emotionally, morally, physically, spiritually and culturally for their life ahead.
We value the partnership with parents and carers very highly and encourage them to take an active role in all aspects of school life. We aim to develop a culture of inclusion and diversity in which everyone feels comfortable and welcome. This extends to our wider school community and external stakeholders as well.
We want to ensure that pupils leave St Mary's Primary School as:
  • Curious, inquisitive, engaged children, not afraid to question why, as caring and respectful citizens of the world.
  • Versatile and reflective learners who are knowledgeable and skillful
  • Confident, independent, respectful individuals with great resilience 
  • Positive, enthusiastic learners for whom the sky’s the limit
  • Creative, imaginative pupils with a belief in the impossible
  • Happy, fun children who are proud of who they are