

Keeping children safe is a priority at St Mary's C of E Primary School and Nursery.
Miss Lampert is the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) and Miss Hamblin is the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL). This means that they oversea all safeguarding at St Mary's including (and not limited to) creating a culture, of safeguarding, support for children and families, the professional development of staff, safer recruitment, behaviour support and attendance monitoring. 
Mrs Gilliam is the link governor for safeguarding. She works closely with the Headteacher (DSL) to strategically monitor and support safeguarding at St Mary's School. 
Staff or governors can be contacted via the school office: office@stmaryswrithlington.co.uk, on the phone 01761 434548 or face-to-face at the school. 
Should you have concerns about a child and it is not possible to reach the DSL's, for example in the school holidays, it is possible to contact BANES Children’s Social Work Services directly to ask for advice or report a concern. Please see below for contact details:
During office hours

Out of office hours

If you think a child is in immediate danger please call our Emergency Duty Team on 01454 61 51 65

If you believe that a child is at risk of serious harm, call 999.