
St Mary's C of E Primary
Old Road
01761 434548

Contact St Mary's C of E Primary

Please contact one of our School Office staff (Mrs Fenton or Mrs Jenkins) if have any questions or queries about our great school!  Finally, please do not hesitate to contact us if you require any paper copies of any information contained on this website or you would like it in a different language or format. Any queries about ParentPay should go to the office. 

For safeguarding concerns ask for Ms Lampert (DSL), Miss Hamblin (DDSL)

For SEND ask for Miss Hamblin

For family support ask for Miss Hamblin or Ms Lampert

For attendance speak to your child's class teacher in the first instance.

The colleague best placed to deal with a concern about your child is usually the class teacher as they know them best.

If any concerns remain you can request to speak with a member of SLT: Miss Golden for Years 3, 4, 5 and 6, Mrs Roberts for Years 1 and 2 and Miss Hamblin for the Early Years (Little Acorns and Little Oaks).

Please request a call from the relevant member of staff by contacting the office. We aim to respond within 2 working days and sooner wherever possible.

Please note we do not respond to questions, queries or concerns directly through our facebook page as this are not regularly monitored. it is however one of the best place to find out what is going on!

We are a proud member of The Partnership Trust

The Partnership Trust is a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under No. 07728112.

VAT Registration No. 371 6891 66  

Registered Office: Fosse Way School, Longfellow Road, Radstock, BA3 3AL


Telephone no. 01761 404207

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