
Term 2 - Class 6

Our topic this term is ‘Exploring Scandinavia’. We will be locating Scandinavia’s countries and major cities using a world map and finding out about their climate and the human and physical geography of the region.  In English, we will be developing our descriptive writing and building on our grammar and punctuation knowledge through writing stories. We will also be writing persuasive pieces based on the text ‘Don’t go out after dark.’  


In Maths we will be continuing with our topic of division, this term focusing on long division. Then we will be moving on to looking at the order of operations and then fractions.


In Music, we will be continuing with our ukulele lessons and look forward to sharing the songs we’ve learnt in a performance. We will also be listening and appraising music and learning about the notes for writing music.


In Design Technology, we will be learning to sew to create a small bag in preparation for Christmas.  


We will be learning about Evolution and Inheritance in Science. This will involve planning investigations, taking measurements and recording data and using scientific evidence to support ideas.


In RE we be answering our enquiry question: ‘How significant is it that Mary was Jesus’ mother?’’ The children will be continuing to develop respect and inquisitiveness through their continuing enquiry and exploration in RE. Our school value this term is compassion and we will be discussing this a lot in our worships. I have been really impressed with how well the class have been demonstrating our school values.

In Computing we will be continuing with our unit on coding – applying our knowledge to create short computer games, and then developing our knowledge of spreadsheets to gather and record information.


In PE, we will be continuing with our swimming sessions on Wednesdays – it is such an important skill to learn and the class are working hard to focus on perfecting their technique of different strokes.