Term 4- Space
The topic for term 4 is Space! Such a busy term with a lot to fit in...watch this space! We start our topic with a fantastic space themed afternoon, complete with special effects lighting, tasting space food and a count down to our own Blast off! Straight into our action packed new Topic.
This term was also National Science Week and Little Oaks worked together on the Great Little Oaks Ice Experiment! We had to predict and the test where an ice cube would defrost more quickly and slowly. Look at some of our photos below.

Here are a few of our ideas...
- How do astronauts drive the spacecraft? George T
- How old do you need to be to go into space? Harry J
- How do you go to the toilet in space? Darcie C
- Do you have an oven in space? Darcie C
- Why do astronauts go to space? Mrs Martin and Eric P
- How do you get dressed in space? Ophelia LS
- Can you cook food in space, if so, how? Darcie C
The Bath Astronomers have done their best to answer these! The questions and their answers will be displayed in the Herschel Museum over May half term. Hopefully the children can pop in (up to 4 children can come in free with a paying adult)
We have been reading and acting out the story 'Whatever Next' by Jill Murphy.
We all helped to make a story map so that we could re-tell the story with actions and sound effects too!