
Term 2 - Class 4

Our Changing Nation
Image result for british flag
This term our topic is Our Changing Nation. 
We will be exploring and learning about all things 'British', including making our very own sponge cakes, building on our map skills and creating packaging for our cakes to go in.
In PE, we will be swimming and playing football.


Our Christian value this term is 'Compassion'. The values are at the heart of everything we do at St Mary's.
In science we will be studying Electricity, we will be investigating if playdough is a conductor or an insulator.

Useful information:

P.E. this term will take place on a Wednesday and a Thursday. Please ensure children come into school wearing P.E. kit on this day. Home work will be set weekly on a Friday and should be returned the following Friday. Our new times table practice is 4x and 8x. 

Use the links below to practice your times tables.