
School Uniform

               St Mary's School Uniform              

(Our school colour is burgundy)

All children are expected to wear school uniform. It helps to give the children a sense of school identity and being part of a team, and allows everyone to be equal. For parents, it avoids any early morning discussions with your child about what they can wear to school! 

Our uniform has been deliberately chosen to be easily available and cost effective. School sweatshirts, polo shirts, PE kit and bags can be purchased from our school provider: Goodies, (https://gooddies.co.uk). All other items are easily available from stores locally.


School sweatshirt or cardigan with school logo

Grey/black trousers/skirt

White blouse/shirt or polo shirt

Lighter weight dress for the summer

Black school shoes

(Plain black boots may be worn in the winter months - these must resemble school shoes in their practicability and be suitable for outside play)


P.E. Kit

 Plain burgundy t-shirt (no football kits please)

Black shorts

Daps or trainers (non-marking soles)

PE Hoodie (optional) Can be purchased through Goodies

P.E. bag



All children need a pair of wellies in school at all times for playtimes

For Swimming:

Trunks or one-piece costume



Our Nursery uniform is: -

School sweatshirt or cardigan with school logo 

Grey/black joggers/leggings/skirt/shorts -

White polo shirt -

Lighter weight dress for the summer 

Sensible black shoes or trainers

Children in the Nursery do NOT need a PE Kit

All children need a pair of wellies in Nursery at all times 


We do  NOT  allow:

the wearing of jeans

jewellery (dangling earrings, rings etc.) except studs

make-up in any form, e.g. nail varnish.


PLEASE ensure all clothing, P.E. kit, wellies and property, is clearly marked with your child's name.