
Welcome to Class 4

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Welcome to Class 4! 




Our class teacher is Mrs Dobson
What a fabulous start to our new school year it has been! 


Below is our Class newsletter for Terms 1. It details all of the information that you may wish to know about the next term. 


We look forward to posting wonderful pictures of Class 4's learning journey as we move through the term. 


If you have any worries or questions relating to your child you can contact me via email: Rdobson@stmaryswrithlington.co.uk or by ringing the school office. 


Mrs Dobson




Homework and Reading

Children in KS2 are expected to read 5 times a week. Home work is set weekly which will include weekly spellings, TTRS practice and a termly task.

Class Awards:

Reading awards: If a child reads 5 times a week, there will be dojo points awarded. 

Class achiever of the week: the class achiever will be announced every Friday.