
Term 3 - Class 1

Welcome to Term 3
Happy New Year!
We hope you have had a great Christmas break. 
We have a fab term to look forward to. Our topic is 'Take One Book' and our focus will be 'The Gruffalo'; we will also delve into other Julia Donaldson books too. Year 1 children thoroughly enjoy these books and they lead to rich opportunities for both writing and speaking /listening activities. We will culminate all of our learning with face painting and a fun Gruffalo's tea party with roasted fox sandwiches and owl ice cream!
The Gruffalo - Wikipedia
Our geography topic this term is focused around mapping skills and we will be making use of aerial photographs of the school's ground and locality to create simple maps and keys. We will learn compass points to help us navigate and give directions.
We'd like for all children to also learn their own address - what a handy skill to have.