
Term 4 - Class 3

The Rotten Romans
Write a Sketch for Horrible Histories - CLOSED - CBBC - BBC
What a fantastic start to the term it has been. The children have been working very hard and have settled back in to school with ease - a huge well done!
Our Learning

Our topic this term is The Rotten Romans the children will be learning about the History and heritage of the Romans.

In English, we will be learning to write an information text, fairy tales and alliteration poetry. 

In Maths we will be following White Rose and will be continuing Length and Perimeter and learning about Fractions and Mass and Capacity.

In Science we will be focusing on Forces. We will be exploring the push and pull forces alongside discovering which materials are magnetic and a focus on friction.

In RE we will be answering the question ‘Why do Christians call the day Jesus died ‘Good Friday’? We will be focusing on Salvation, the Last Supper, and Maundy Thursday.

In French we will be developing our understanding of Fruits. We will learn 10 fruits, be able to ask if our friends like a particular fruit and say what they like and dislike.

In Art we will be learning about Mosaics. Children will explore the features of different mosaics. Children will work towards producing their own mosaic.

In PE we are going to be continuing our swimming learning on a Wednesday afternoon.

Useful Information

PE: The day of PE will continue to be a Wednesday. The children will need to wear their PE kit into school on these days to save changing. The PE kit should include a school burgundy t-shirt, black shorts/leggings, and daps for outdoor activities.

Homework: Children will have homework every week which can be found in their homework books. Please ensure that your child completes their homework in order to consolidate and support their learning. Homework is to be handed in on a Friday. Please can children take pride in their homework books by, writing the date and ensuring the presentation of their homework is neat.

Spellings: Children will have spellings to learn each week which they will get every Friday to be tested the following Thursday.

Please see school newsletter for important dates.