This term we will be writing our own stories using the text ‘Adventure at Sandy Cove’, a Talk 4 Writing story. We will also be continuing with comprehension of texts and learning different spelling patterns, punctuation and grammar in revision for SATs.
Our class text this term will be ‘The Last Wild’ by Piers Torday. It is set in the future and follows a boy called Kester who is able to communicate with animals and journeys to save them from a deadly disease.
In geography we will be learning about the Maya civilisation, an ancient Mesoamerican culture known for its advanced cities, writing system, and achievements in mathematics and astronomy.
We’ll explore their daily life, religious beliefs, and the reasons behind their civilisation’s rise and decline.
In science, we will be looking at the topic of electricity, which will help us to create circuits and develop our knowledge of symbols used as well as investigate the brightness of bulbs and volume of buzzers with the number of cells in the circuit.
In DT we will be exploring mechanical systems and will be designing and making a vehicle with gears or pulleys for our buddies to try out!
In maths, we will be learning about decimals and percentages and also finding the area, perimeter and volume of shapes. We will be continuing to practise our times tables and use the inverse to apply to problem solving questions.
In computing we will be looking at blogging, identifying the features of blogs, thinking about what makes a successful one, creating our own and adding to existing ones.
In RE, we will be learning about the enquiry question: What difference does the resurrection make to Christians? The children will be continuing to develop respect and inquisitiveness of other faiths and traditions.
Our school value this term is Respect and we will be discussing this in whole school and key stage worships.
In PE, our unit will basketball. We will be developing our understanding of the attacking and defending principles of invasion games. We will also e continuing to develop the importance of fair play, following rules and working as a team.