
Term 3 - Class 6

Happy New Year!
I hope you all had a wonderful rest over Christmas with family and friends. Term 3 is a busy one as we start off the year 2025 with plenty of learning.  

Our topic this term is based around the book ‘Cogheart’ by Peter Bunzl. It is fictional book set in 1896 in a Victorian England but with an alternative history: steampunk, mechanical animals, clockwork servants and silver airships.

We will be developing our descriptive writing and building on our grammar and punctuation knowledge using the book as inspiration. We will then be writing our own adventure stories.


Since this story is set in Victorian times, our history topic will be learning about the achievements of the Victorian era and what life was like during this time.


In maths, we will be learning about ratio and algebra, as well as reviewing our learning on fractions and multiplication and division.


In art we will be creating our own ‘Mechanimals’ based on our class book. This will involve developing our skills of sketching from real life and close observational work.


Our unit in Science is ‘Light’. This will involve planning our own investigations, taking measurements, recording data, and using scientific evidence to support ideas.


In RE, we will be learning about the enquiry question: creation and science: conflicting or complementary? The children will be continuing to develop respect and inquisitiveness of other faiths and traditions.

Our school value this term is perseverance and we will be discussing this in whole school and key stage worships.


In PE, our unit will be tag rugby and we will be learning the key principles of the invasion game, thinking about how to apply skills, strategies and tactics to outwit the opposing team. PE sessions will be on Fridays. 


In French, we will be continuing to practise our skills of speaking and listening and developing our vocabulary around the topic of ‘At the weekend’.