
Term 1 - Class 3

Term 1: The Stone Age! 
Term One is going to be an exciting one with all things STONE AGE! We cannot wait to show you everything that we have learnt and produced in our English, History and Art lessons. 
This term in English we will begin by writing a poem on 'what we didn't do over summer'. We will be writing diary entries, focused on the book 'Stone Age Boy' by Satoshi Kitamura. This will export us back to the Stone Age where we will go on our own adventures! Following this, we will focus on instructional writing - watch out for some instructions inspired by 'How to trap a troll'
In Maths we will be looking at place value, and then addition and subtraction.
Our topic for Science this term is ‘Rock On!’ and involves all things Rocks. Our science lessons will include lots of scientific investigations, including digging around in the soil and testing the permeability of rocks and soils.

In RE, we will be looking at and answering the question 'Does joining the Khalsa make a person a better Sikh?' The children will explore Sikhism and learn the key values of this religion. 


In Class 3, children are expected to read 5 times a week and reading records will be looked at every every Friday. Please ensure that these are signed and brought into school daily. Alongside reading books chosen at school, please encourage the children to read a variety of texts and books written by different authors. 

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Children will have homework and spellings every week which can be found in their homework books. This is due in on a Friday. Please ensure that your child completes their homework in order to consolidate and support their learning. Please also encourage the children to take care of these books, they contain fantastic pieces of work and it is important that the children are responsible for taking pride in how these books are kept.