
Term 1 - Class 6

What we are learning

Our topic this term is ‘Myths, Minotaurs and Mazes!’ In History we will be learning about the Ancient Greeks and what life was like, their achievements and their influence on the western world. We will be continuing to develop chronologically secure knowledge and understanding of British history as well as developing our skills of using an atlas and reading maps.

In English, we will be beginning the term with a short study of poetry: 'The City of Silence' and creating our own descriptive poems about a range of imaginary places. Later on in the term we will be creating our own guide to mythical creatures using many from Greek myths such as the minotaur. 

In Maths, we will be following White Rose and will be learning about place value of numbers and using this to support solving challenges using the four operations. 


In Art, we will be learning about the artist David Hockney – in particular his work on collage and photography - and creating our own self portrait collages using a range of media.


Our unit in Science is learning about animals and humans, including about different parts of the systems in our body and the way they function. As part of this we will be creating our own experiments and finding ways to present the findings using graphs. 


In Religion and world views we shall be learning about Islam and asking the question ‘What is the best way for a Muslim to show commitment to God?’ We will be exploring this unit and will be continuing to develop respect and inquisitiveness through their continuing enquiry and exploration in faiths. Our school value this term is friendship and we will be discussing this a lot in class.


In PE we will be swimming each week and developing our skills in the water – it is important that your child is able to leave Year 6 being able to swim 25m. 


In French we will begin by revising key vocabulary learnt in Year 5 and then developing on this with a focus on ‘At School’ and looking at the vocabulary needed for day to day life.


In Music we will be focusing this term on our voices and listening to and appraising music using key vocabulary. Our song which we will be learning is 'Happy' and we will perform this at the end of term.