I hope you all had a wonderful rest over Christmas break and enjoyed time with your loved ones. As always, Term Three is a busy one in Class 3, as we start off the year 2025 with plenty of learning. From going on a trip to Ammerdown to creating abstract portraits inspired by Picasso.
Our topic this term is Marvellous Maps. In our Geography lessons we will be focusing on our mapping skills, by understanding sketch maps and working towards completing our own sketch map of Ammerdown.
In English, we will be learning all about portal stories and being inspired to write our own from the story ‘Elf Road.’ We will also learning how to write a detailed book review.
In Maths we will be following White Rose and will continue to develop our understanding in multiplication and division. Later developing our understanding of length and perimeter.
In Science we will be focusing on light. We will be learning about the need for light, how it is reflected from surfaces and recognise how shadows occur.
In RE we will be answering the question ‘What do children learn from the creation story?’
In French we will be developing our understanding of instruments. We will be able to recognise up to 10 instruments and be able to say ‘I play’.
In Art we will be learning about the famous artist Pablo Picasso. We will be learning about who this artist is, what was his work like and learn how to paint in the style of Picasso.
In PE we will be going swimming, we will learn new skills depending on our ability and gain water confidence.
Useful information:
PE: The day of PE will be a Wednesday, children will need to wear their PE kit into school on these days to save changing. The PE kit should include a school burgundy t-shirt, black shorts/leggings, and daps for outdoor activities. For swimming children will need to bring their swimming things; costume/shorts, goggles and a towel. Please make sure children wear their hair up for these lessons.
Homework: Children will have homework every week which can be found in their homework books. Please ensure that your child completes their homework in order to consolidate and support their learning. Homework is to be handed in on a Friday. Please can children take pride in their homework books by, writing the date and ensuring the presentation of their homework is neat.
Children will have spellings to learn each week which they will get every Friday to be tested the following Friday.