
Welcome to Class 5



Our Topics

 We love learning through topics and building on our learning across the curriculum.


Our topics this year are:

Vicious Vikings

Amazing Americas


Off With Their Heads! 

Marvelous Mountains and Raging Rivers

The Slave Trade




In addition to this, Class 5 have the following systems:

Homework: Each term project homework is set. These  projects will provide children with the opportunity to explore their topic in more detail for the term. 

Alongside this, children will be set one piece of English and Maths homework per week. 


Homework will now be set on a Thursday and due in on the following Wednesday.


Spellings: set on Thursday and tested on the following Thursday. Children will work on these each morning in class but are also encouraged to continue to learn these at home.

Times tables: Each child has a times table rock stars account where their ongoing learning of times tables will happen.  Multiplication quizzes take place every week.

AR Reading: each child will be tested and given a ZPD code based on their reading level, once they have finished reading a book they will take a quiz to check their comprehension, if they get 80% or more they will move up a level. 

Class Awards:

Class achiever of the week: the class achiever will be announced every Friday.