
Term 4 - Class 4

Ancient Egyptians
 Welcome to the start of the new term - it is great to see all the children back to school! We have some great topics this term.


This term, our topic is ‘Ancient Egyptians!’ As part of our topic, we will be exploring Ancient Egyptian artefacts and learning about the process of mummification.

In English, we will be writing Egyptian myths, instructions and portal stories. We will draw inspiration from the twists and turns of life as an Egyptian to write suspenseful narratives.


In Maths, we will be continuing our learning on length and perimeter and then focusing on decimals and fractions. We will also be recapping multiplication and division.


In Science, the children will continue learning about States of Matter, they will be sorting materials into solids, liquids and gases; then they will investigate how heating causes melting and cooling causes freezing. Children will be predicting and making observations and drawing graphs.


In RE, we will be exploring the key question ‘Is forgiveness always possible for Christians?’ linked to the Easter story. Our Christian value this term will be Respect, which we will be exploring more in worships.


In PSHE, our topic is ‘Healthy Me’. We will be looking at how to stay healthy, looking at what makes a healthy balanced diet to how smoking and drinking can have an impact on our health. We will also be looking at how to be a good friend and to enjoy healthy relationships.


In Music, we will be continuing our lessons on rhythm and work collaboratively to produce a final piece, performing as a group.


In Art, we will be exploring different types of printing using string, glue, polystyrene and cardboard; children will also explore the artist William Morris and making links to printing in Ancient Egypt.


In PE, our sessions will be athletics. We will be developing our basic running, jumping and throwing techniques, and thinking about how to achieve the greatest accuracy, speed and distance.


In Computing, our focus for the term is on coding using the program Logo. We will be using the repeat function to create different shapes and patterns and then exploring animation, learning how to create ‘stop motion’.


In French, we will be learning how to say our name, age and where we live in French. We will also be continuing to focus on correct pronunciation.

Class 4!

To help your child at home, please: 


* Read for 10-15 minutes per day with an adult.


 * Spend 20 minutes on Times Table Rock Stars/hit the button.



* Our times tables this term are our 4x and 8x