WRAP AROUND CARE: NEW FOR SEPTEMBER 2023, Breakfast Club (see Our School section for further details). FULL WRAP AROUND CARE COMING SOON.

Welcome to Class 6!

Our class teacher is Miss Golden and our TA in the mornings will be Miss Wynne-Griffiths. 
Year 6 is an important year for so many reasons, but one in particular is because they are the top of the school and are fantastic role models for the younger pupils.  

As ever, if you have any worries or questions relating to your child and need a little more time, please do not hesitate to arrange a time to talk. It is important for us all that your children are happy at school, so please keep us informed of any concerns, no matter how small. You can contact me via email: lgolden@stmaryswrithlington.co.uk or alternatively via Class Dojo.

May I take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support.




This term, I will be setting a project for each child to work on independently each week. In the final week of term they will use all of their knowledge and the research they've completed over the term to deliver a short presentation to the class about their chosen subject.

Spellings will be given on a Friday for a test on the following Friday, as well as a piece of English or Maths homework which will alternate weekly. 



To help develop children’s fluency in mathematics, we ask them to practise their times tables regularly. This may be playing games at home or through Times Table Rock Stars. The more confident they become with their times tables, the more they will be able to apply it to their maths learning. 



Please continue to hear your child read and sign their reading record. :) 

Useful Information


Our regular PE days will be every Wednesday, which will be swimming.

On PE days, children are to wear their PE kit in to school on these days to save changing. The PE kit should include a school burgundy t-shirt, black shorts/leggings and daps for outdoor activities. PE kit can be purchased online at: https://gooddies.co.uk